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April is National Poetry Month, a time when we celebrate poetry and recognize how it has shaped American culture. This year, KUT is participating in National Poetry Month by sharing poems written by students in the Blank Page creative writing programs at Kealing and Fulmore Middle Schools and the Writers' Workshop at Rawson Saunders School. You can read the and listen to the poems here, and you can also listen to the poems read on KUT 90.5 FM throughout the month of April.

History Class Lesson

Read by Jason Neulander.

My manipulative lips curled
My nodding almost obsessive
My “Ah ha’s” were flying
She was ready to tell me a story
But I wasn't ready to listen
I kept up my act
She kept up her story –
thick as tortilla soup,
as long as the Olympic Marathon Race,
as boring as shading in the o’s, p’s, and q’s on your class syllabus.
My brain slowly shut off - I let it
It did not think - I let it
It wandered into nothingness - I let it
Then it snapped awake!
It was her talking!
My smile held back the screaming
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”
I kept on nodding, kept on smiling
Kept on making comments
No stopping me now!
My brain went back to sleep
I do act like I am listening
how can that hurt?

But do people do this to me?
when I was reading my mistake riddled essay
Were Dad’s eyes glistening with pride…
Or glassy…
because his brain shut off?

When I asked my mother to listen to me
Practicing my flute
Was she holding up her phone…
but not really recording me
but checking Facebook?

I need to stop this

I turn my brain back on.

