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The Daily Buzz is a “festival only” radio show. We travel to film festivals year-round and interview some of the most important indie voices, partner with NPR affiliate and local community radio stations and aim to deliver these conversations to cinephiles, fans and moviegoers everywhere.The show is in its fifth year, and the Daily Buzz has interviewed some of the most important voices in the entertainment industry: more than 500 guests ranging from directors, actors, producers, festival directors and journalists in the independent film world.The Daily Buzz partnered with KUT this year to provide coverage of the 2015 SXSW Festival. This week, The Daily Buzz is broadcasting from the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) — which is celebrating its 40th anniversary in Toronto, Canada — and interviewing independent and international filmmakers. Daily Buzz at the Toronto International Film Festival is made possible with support from Production Legal, Cloud Electronics, Soundcloud, ENKI NY and Angry Porcupine.

SXSW Film: Day Four from The Daily Buzz

Courtesy of the film
A still from the film Bounce: How the Ball Taught the World to Play.

It’s Day Four of The Daily Buzz at the Historic Stateside Theatre, and there's excitement brewing at the Paramount in anticipation of the 30th anniversary screening of John Hughes’ The Breakfast Club.

This morning we spoke with Hugh Forrest, Head of SXSW Interactive, and Janet Pierson, Head of SXSW Film. We dove into the conversation head-first with Cisco's Detected, a documentary about the iT Bra. We spoke with the film’s director Seth Kramer, iT Bra creator Rob Royea and Cisco's Social Media Manager Mary Bradburne-Cisco about the bra, which can connect to the internet, allowing it to capture data, analyzing and potentially improving the health of patients around the world.

We then met the team behind Ktown Cowboys, the film inspired by the popular web series of the same name. We met the film’s director Daniel Park (DPD) and cast members Shane Yoon, Peter Jae, Danny Cho, Sunn Wee, and Bobby Choy. Ben Dickinson, director of Creative Control, chats with Scott and Mike about his film’s character, David, who develops a lifelike avatar of his best friend’s girlfriend and about how lines between reality and virtual reality begin to blur.

Kickstarter-inspired filmmakers Samantha Futerman and co-director Ryan Miyamoto, and her twin and co-star Anais Bordier, share their story of how they discovered each other via the internet. We’re introduced to director Jerome Thelia of Bounce: How the Ball Taught the World to Play, and author John Fox (The Ball) gives us some background of how the ball has evolved and why it’s still relevant today.

Rounding out our filmmaker segments, we met co-director Elizabeth Giamatti (A Woman Like Me), whose film was premiering downstairs. We ended the show with a Hot-Button Indie Caucus Roundtable Panel ( Scott Foundas hosted this conversation, which included roundtable participants Bernardo Ruiz (Director, Reportero), PJ Raval (Director, Before You Know It), Jessica Edwards (Director, Mavis!) and Marie Nelson (VP of News and Public Affairs for PBS).

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