Perhaps seeking to ignite a spark in his followers, Texas Governor Rick Perry released a couple of new campaign ads today. One focusing on energy policy. The other...oh wait...umm...oh yeah, his debate brain freeze.
Here's the energy spot. If ties President Obama to President Carter on foreign oil dependency and reminds people of his plan to increase drilling by eliminating drilling regulations. All of which he says will create one million new jobs.
The 2nd commercial is targeted specifically at Perry's appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
According to POLITICO, the ad will run before and after Rick Perry's Tonight Show appearance.
...the clear goal of the spot is to show Perry not taking himself too seriously, and with an ability to demonstrate an ability to take blows and keep fighting, at a time when the rest of the GOP field is either battling fresh allegations related to sex, or battling each other over who is the least consistent candidate in the field.
If you can't stay up for Leno, we'll be sure to post video of it tomorrow.