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Each week on Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke, explore different aspects of human behavior and the brain.

Summertime and The Living is...Scheduled?

Even though is seems like a neverending April day in Austin, it's technically summertime. For some of us that means we take a break, with the intention of tackling all those projects we never had time to get to during the harsh Austin winter.

So why, when the summer comes to an end, do we feel disappointed when we haven't written that novel or cleaned out the closets?

In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about the many elements of summer that can make it difficult to let go, and how re-thinking our intentions and being present can allow us to make the most of time off.

Summer is a great time to get to things done that require long blocks of time to accomplish, yet the problem is that we can use such time very inefficiently if we are not present with our intention for that time.

While Dr. Duke emphasizes the importance of daydreaming and unscheduled "play," Dr. Markman warns that seeing the entire summer through this light can leave you feeling unfulfilled.

Instead they recommend setting specific time frames to work, then work while you're working. Then set aside specific time when you don't have any goals at all. Time to just be.

It seems like a simple Zen concept, but it's not that easy. As a friend of mine once said, "I like to do nothing, if I can avoid doing something."

So enjoy the summer, and know that when you're relaxing, you're doing wonders for your brain.

Rebecca McInroy is an award-winning show creator, host, and executive producer for KUT, KUTX, and KUT.ORG.
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