A new push for improvements following a traffic jam at the Rolling Stones concert is moving ahead, but a major road leading to COTA isn't scheduled to be widened until the next decade.
A new report warns that pedestrian deaths per mile driven soared in the first half of the year, with the death rate likely to see the largest one-year increase in 2020.
The changes are part of the road adjustments voters approved in the 2016 mobility bond. Construction is expected to start early next year.
Austin is in the process of adopting several plans that will guide the future of development and transportation in the region. The city revealed a new…
For Austin visitors, it’s hard to beat the iconic view of the Texas Capitol from Congress Avenue. But for those who live and work along the corridor, the…
Could streets be like doctors? A streetlight that diagnoses an ulcerous colon, or sidewalk that administers chemotherapy?That question is what Austin City…
In the photo, a curly-haired woman stares into the camera wearing a red lifeguard bathing suit, holding a long, red rectangular flotation device over her…
Employees of a Colorado-based non-profit will soon move to Austin to begin studying the city’s various commuting woes as part of a partnership finalized…
"Americans now walk the least of any industrialized nation in the world," says writer Tom Vanderbilt. A reliance on cars, combined with a lack of sidewalks, means that what started as a push for convenience has become a difficult problem.