The next supermoon — which appears larger and brighter than a regular full moon due to its proximity to Earth — will not be visible for nearly a year.
The North and South Taurids occur every year in September, October and November. They may have originated from a comet that broke up about 10,000 years ago.
A newly discovered asteroid will be captured by Earth's gravity this fall. The "mini-moon" will spend about two months in Earth's orbit before being flung back on its normal path around the sun.
The next blue supermoon will not happen until 2032, but supermoons occur more frequently.
The encounter is an out-of-this-world example of right place, right time — as Mars zips past Jupiter, Earth will be in the perfect spot to see the two planets look as if they are within arm's reach.
The celestial event will coincide with the summer solstice for the first time since 1985.
The honor comes after the aviator became at the time the oldest person to travel to space on Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin spacecraft in 2021.
Austinites practicing in the spiritual realm believe the eclipse is a rare opportunity for personal growth — if you know how to take advantage of it. Some said the impact is even greater if you’re in the path of totality.
Known as 12P/Pons-Brooks, the rarely seen comet prone to colorful outbursts could soon be viewed without a telescope or binoculars.
Where can I watch the eclipse? Can I see it from my house? Do I need to wear solar glasses the whole time? These are all good questions to consider before the April eclipse, and we've got the answers to them.