Kailey Hunt
Williamson County ReporterKailey Hunt is KUT's Williamson County reporter. Got a tip? Email her at khunt@kut.org. Follow her on Twitter @KaileyEHunt.
As many Texas school districts struggle with budget deficits, Round Rock ISD could end the fiscal year with a surplus of about $8.2 million after selling a piece of unused land.
Nonprofit, public policy organizations including Texas 2036 and the Texas Water Association have made water infrastructure one of their priorities this legislative session.
Firefighters were sent from Austin, Hutto, Kyle, Round Rock and other cities. They're expected to stay for about 21 days.
Unlike nearby Travis County, Williamson County does not have any government run overnight shelters for the area’s homeless population — including when it gets cold outside. Residents frustrated by the situation came together to create their own solution this winter.
Round Rock residents can ship their packages to the police department during the holiday season to prevent items from being stolen. It and other police departments also offer "safety exchange zones" for residents using Craigslist or other exchange websites to buy or sell items.
Cool mornings and pleasant afternoons are expected. We may even get some rain.
Four separate bond propositions appeared on the Nov. 5 ballot, but only three were ultimately approved by voters.
Results for local elections: the county sheriff's race, a tax rate increase and more.
More than half of registered voters in Travis, Hays and Williamson counties have already cast a ballot in the Nov. 5 election. Election officials expect long waits on Election Day.
The U.S. Department of Energy recently awarded Moment Energy $20.3 million to help build a facility in Taylor to repurpose and recycle electric vehicle batteries.