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Should Oil & Gas Inspectors Carry Concealed Weapons?

As part of the debate over guns and violence, there’s a new twist developing in Texas: the head of one state agency is proposing that its employees should be provided training so they can legally carry a concealed handgun on the job.

The agency has inspectors that enforce the rules on the state’s surging oil and gas drilling industry.

StateImpact Texas reporter Dave Fehling learned why some believe those inspectors need protection.

“Midland Sheriff Gary Painter says he understands why the Texas Railroad Commission is working to provide training to commission employees so they can get licenses to carry concealed handguns. ‘… His officers, inspectors need to be armed,’ Painter says. ‘I don’t know if it would ever occur that they’d need to use a weapon but there are times they may have to protect themselves. ‘”

Read the whole story from StateImpact Texas.

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