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City Council Incumbents Still Lead in Fundraising

Mayor Leffingwell handily leads the cash race with $104,000 cash on hand, to Brigid Shea's $53,000 and Clay Dafoe's $637.
Mayor Leffingwell handily leads the cash race with $104,000 cash on hand, to Brigid Shea's $53,000 and Clay Dafoe's $637.

When we last checked in on fundraising by Austin City Council and mayoral candidates, the incumbents showed a huge fundraising advantage. And unsurprisingly,  recently filed "30 day out" campaign finance reports from the candidates show that's still the case.

Mayor Lee Leffingwell has about $104,000 cash on hand. Challenger Brigid Shea has about $53,000 remaining in her coffers. Mayoral candidate Clay Dafoe listed only $637 on hand.

Council member Mike Martinez holds a huge fundraising advantage over challenger Laura Pressley, with $92,000 remaining compared to her $4,100.

Dominic “Dom” Chavez has the most total cash of any challenger: $12,600. Tina Cannon has about $2,400. But both still lag behind Place 5 incumbent Bill Spelman’s $29,700.

Bundlers played a prominent role in the incumbents’ returns: Mayor Leffingwell named 11 bundlers in his returns; Shea named one.  Martinez and Cole named eight and five bundlers, respectively. Bundlers are individuals authorized to solicit funds from their contacts on a candidate’s behalf.

Early voting begins April 30, and Election Day is May 12. 

Daniel Guerra is an intern at KUT News
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