Some kids attending elementary schools in Round Rock are supposed to leave their home school and move to other schools.
After the board meeting on Jan. 20, the Round Rock ISD Board of Trustee finally approved the Citizen’s Boundary Committee recommendation redrawing school boundaries for the district’s 32nd new elementary school.
Eleanor Hamrick, the executive assistance of the elementary education department, said students will be transferred to the new school, which might be named Linda Harrington Elementary, this fall before the school’s opening which is scheduled for Aug. 23.
For accommodating the new school located in the Paloma Lake subdivision, over 590 students in the district will be moved to the new school from Caldwell Heights Elementary, Double File Trail Elementary and Teravista Elementary.
In the process of setting the new boundaries, the committee has focused on the ways to minimize the number of students being transferred to other schools and to keep the two-mile walk zone allowing transportation service only for students living over two-mile away from a school.
The meeting clarified some additional issues like how to deal with siblings who have been attending the same school together. Fifth grade students, who are supposed to move to other schools resulting from the redrawn boundaries, are allowed to stay at their home school. But their siblings can remain only for the 2011-2012 school year if the parent is capable of giving transportation.
Dan Robert, RRISD transportation director and demographer, said he expects that the new boundaries will improve the educational environment of Round Rock, adding “[The new boundaries]will have eliminated the northeast part’s crowded schools.”
According to a press release from RRISD, the committees’ recommendation includes the following changes:
- move Paloma Lake subdivision from Teravista Elementary to new school;
- move Settlers Overlook Caldwell Heights Elementary to new school;
- move The Estates at Old Settlers Park from Caldwell Heights Elementary to new school;
- move Ryan’s Crossing from Double File Trail Elementary to new school;
- move Brookside from Double File Trail Elementary to new school; and
- move the Jester Farms subdivision from Union Hill Elementary to Double File Trail Elementary.
See more detail with the new boundaries map here.