Today is the deadline to apply for priority school transfers in the Austin Independent School District for next school year.
Non-priority transfers to be considered during the first-round lottery selection are also due today. All applications need to be delivered in person to the Office of Student Services at the Carruth Administration Center by 5 p.m. or postmarked by today’s date.
Applications that aren't received by today will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis when space is available at the desired school. All transfer requests for the fall of 2014 must be received by Aug. 12.Dozens of AISD schools are frozen to transfers this year because they already have (or are expected to have) too many students. Several other schools could be closed to non-priority transfers for the same reason.
Frozen to transfers in 2013-2014:
- High Schools (5): Akins, Anderson, Austin, Bowie, and McCallum
- Middle Schools (6): Kealing, Murchison, O.Henry, Paredes, and Small
- Elementary Schools (21): Baldwin, Baranoff, Blazier, Bryker Woods (grades 1 & 5), Casis, Cook, Doss, Graham, Hart, Highland Park, Hill, Kiker, Langford, Lee, Odom, Palm, Patton, Pickle, Pillow, Rodriguez, and Wooldridge.
Possibly frozen to transfers in 2013-2014
- Middle Schools (2): Bedichek and Gorzycki
- Elementary Schools (15): Andrews, Barrington, Becker, Casey, Clayton, Cowan, Davis, Gullett, Harris, Menchaca, Perez, Ridgetop, Summitt, Sunset Valley and Travis Heights.
AISD's website has more information about application deadlines and the transfer process.