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Each month we spotlight a local nonprofit that's in need of help. It's a way to connect our listeners with charities that make an impact.

Get Involved spotlight: Amhiga Hispana

Amhiga Hispana

From Amhiga Hispana, this month's spotlight nonprofit:

Amhiga Hispana, a non-profit organization based in Austin, Texas, is on a mission to bridge the opportunity gap for Hispanic women by equipping them with practical skills, leadership training, and business education to unlock their full potential and achieve economic independence. Our culturally-sensitive approach fosters equality and cultural integration, nurturing women into becoming agents of change. Our vision is to drive societal transformation, enhancing the vibrancy and inclusivity of our communities.

For almost 10 years Amhiga Hispana has:

Delivered 100s of workshops in business building, health and wellness, culture and family and financial literacy to Austin’s Spanish language dominant community.

Helped launch 100s of businesses from nothing with guidance on city resources, education, financial education and more.

Has provided a space for 100s of Latina small businesses and vendors to show and sell their products at Amhiga Hispana Expo

Created 1000s of friendships and helpful relationships to face mental health challenges that come from the isolation stemming from language barriers and challenges accessing jobs

Amhiga Hispana has been that resource for the city’s fastest growing population for the longest amount of time. They have bolstered the Latina and Spanish speaking parent and citizen voice in Austin’s workforce, education and social systems for nearly a decade. Amhiga Hispana is that word of mouth space you need to make it in Austin as a Spanish speaking Latina, a unique and necessary gem in Austin’s resource network.

While Austin is # 43 out of the 100 largest cities it falls below average on measures of civic participation, livability and job opportunities. Additionally, Austin’s naturalization rate is one of the lowest among its peers. A lot of this is due to a lack of access to information and networks due to language barriers and not knowing the “ropes” when families move to Austin from another country.

This is where Amhiga Hispana comes in. So many new arrivals come to Austin with a variety of professional certifications from their home country they just can’t use because of new government restrictions and procedures. This leaves a very qualified, highly trained workforce with new obstacles. Amhiga Hispana offers a robust range of programs and services to get women started working sooner than later, while transitioning to a new life in the United States. Their events are tailored to address the unique challenges faced by Spanish-dominant Hispanic women, providing the necessary tools for their personal and professional development.

Right now, with just volunteers, Amhiga Hispana has done the professional, cultural and emotional work of some nonprofits who have had staff and much larger resources for much longer - and they do this in a very organic way. 

Amhiga Hispana needs Spanish and English speaking volunteers to join their VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE, people who know how to:

Help with event planning

Write communications and social media plans

Experts on marketing, web design, leadership and business development for its new Amhiga Academia for emerging entrepreneurs

And be or recruit guest speakers for 3 signature programs

  • Martes Social (Tuesday Social) has gathered 100s of Austin Latinas to connect on a deeper social level. In LatinX/é culture - social connection goes hand in hand with business.
  • Miercoles Profesional (Professional Wednesday) has provided 100s of free presentations from lawyers, financial advisors, entrepreneurs, merchants, health and wellness experts to assist with personal and professional development
  • Talleres Sabatinos - (Saturday Talks) are career and information talks from social workers, psychologists, fitness professionals, small business owners and academics on self and business wellness

Contact Board Member Margarita Foss (512/900-6535) to volunteer or email


Mike is the production director at KUT, where he’s been working since his days as an English major at the University of Texas. He produces and hosts This Is My Thing and Arts Eclectic, and also produces Get Involved and the Sonic ID project. When pressed to do so, he’ll write short paragraphs about himself in the third person, but usually prefers not to.
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