Eleanor Klibanoff
The court ruled against 20 women who said they were denied medically necessary abortions, saying the medical exceptions in the law were broad enough.
El fiscal del distrito del condado de Starr retiró los cargos indebidos, pero las consecuencias "cambiaron para siempre la vida del demandante", según una nueva demanda federal.
The Starr County district attorney dropped the improper charges, but the fallout “forever changed the Plaintiff’s life,” a new federal lawsuit says.
Twenty women are challenging the state’s abortion laws, saying they were unable to get the health care they needed for their medically complex pregnancies.
El año pasado, el juez Matthew Kacmsaryk cerró una de las únicas vías para que los adolescentes de Texas obtuvieran anticonceptivos confidenciales. El 5º Circuito examinó el lunes los argumentos del caso.
Appeals court considers whether Texas teens should be allowed contraception without parental consentLast year, Judge Matthew Kacmsaryk closed off one of the only avenues for Texas teens to get confidential contraception. The 5th Circuit on Monday considered arguments in the case.
In the first lawsuit of its kind since Roe v. Wade was overturned, a husband seeks damages from women who helped his ex-wife obtain the medications to terminate her pregnancy.
The Title X program has long provided free, confidential contraception to anyone, regardless of age, income or immigration status. A North Texas federal judge ruled in December that the program violates Texas law and parents’ rights.
Due in September, the report was delayed to allow a full review of 2019 cases, the state health agency said. That review didn’t change the findings.
A federal judge who previously quashed the subpoena ruled that the attorney general must take the witness stand in a lawsuit from abortion funds.