Katy McAfee
Travis County Reporter-
Fall foliage typically kicks off in mid-to-late October and peaks by late November, but record heat this fall delayed Austin's fall colors to the very end of the year.
La fiebre del cedro proviene del polen que desprenden los enebros de Ashe. Y en Austin, particularmente al oeste de la I-35, estos árboles están por todas partes.
Cedar fever comes from the pollen released by Ashe juniper trees. And in Austin, particularly west of I-35, these trees are everywhere.
PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, have been linked to several cancers and other health problems. Out of 29 compounds tested, Austin Water found only faint traces of six.
Los datos de la oficina del Médico Forense del Condado de Travis muestran una disminución del 19% en las muertes accidentales por drogas de enero a julio de este año en comparación con el mismo período en 2023.
The new store is two stories high, spans more than 145,000 square feet and is run by more than 600 employees. It's grand opening comes nearly three years after the previous store in the same location was demolished.
Festival Beach Food Forest está en las primeras fases de ampliación de su huerto comestible pasando de menos de un acre a 3.5 acres. Los organizadores esperan plantar cientos de árboles frutales, verduras, hierbas y plantas medicinales.
Data from the Travis County Medical Examiner’s office shows a 19% decrease in accidental drug deaths from January to July of this year compared to the same time in 2023.
Festival Beach Food Forest is in the early stages of expanding its edible garden from less than an acre to 3.5 acres. Organizers hope to plant hundreds more fruit trees, vegetables, herbs and medicinal plants.
The contract guarantees a minimum salary of $50,000 for new employees, cell phone and meal reimbursements, and other protections.