Nina Banks
Legislative Reporting FellowNina Banks is a legislative reporting fellow for The Texas Newsroom. She was previously an intern with KXAN's investigative department and a reporting fellow for The Texas Tribune. She is a junior majoring in political communication at the University of Texas at Austin. She earned her associate degree at Tarrant County College, where she was the managing editor for the student newspaper The Collegian.
Después de siete horas de debate sobre el Proyecto de Ley del Senado 2 en el pleno del Senado el miércoles, esta cámara suspendió las reglas para que los legisladores pudieran acelerar el proceso y enviarlo a la Cámara de Representantes de Texas para su consideración.
After seven hours of debate over Senate Bill 2 on the Senate floor Wednesday, the chamber suspended rules so lawmakers could expedite the process and send it to the Texas House for consideration.
El gobernador promocionó la fuerte economía de Texas en su discurso sobre el Estatus del Estado el domingo, donde también expuso las prioridades que quiere que los legisladores se centren en los próximos meses. Entre ellas, la creación de un programa similar al bono escolar y la reducción de los impuestos sobre la propiedad.
The governor touted Texas’ strong economy in his State of the State address Sunday, where he also laid out priorities he wants lawmakers to focus on in the months ahead. These include creating a school voucher-like program and lowering property taxes.