It looks like the April 3 date for Texas primaries – already pushed back from March – may get shoved back again.
The Associated Press reports one of the parties in the redistricting lawsuit that has delayed the primaries, Luis Vera, representing the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) says negotiations have stalled, and doesn’t anticipate talks between the state and the parties that sued to block the state’s redrawn map will be concluded in time.
The parties were given until February 6 to settle on redrawn districts, in time to preserve the April 3 primary. The groups are gathered at a conference in San Antonio in an attempt to hash out differences.
It’s the latest wrinkle in the redistricting saga which has already seen the U.S. Supreme Court sound off on the merits of the dueling maps. A separate court challenge to the constitutionality of the state’s redrawn maps is coming to a close, with testimony concluding last week.