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Membership drive ends today

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KUT Membership Drive

Thanks to the early support of our listeners - we were able to cut one full day off our Spring Membership Drive.  That means TOMORROW is the last day you have to show your support! We still need your help to make this fundraiser a success - so please make your sustaining or one time gift TODAY to make it count!

We are making our appeal based on the facts below.

  • Each KUT reporter carries a reporter’s kit out into the field. This kit contains a recorder, camera, wind cover and microphone to capture broadcast-quality audio – and it costs $1,000.
  • KUT spends more than $3,000 per day to air national programs, such as Morning Edition, Car Talk and Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me! The price KUT pays for these programs is based on the radio listening population in Austin, which is growing. These programs cost more to deliver in Austin than in smaller markets.

Please, make your Spring 2015 Membership Contribution today.

Thank you for your support!

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