Sixteen bicycles used for education programs for kids were stolen from the East Austin activity center on Sunday. They were worth about $25,000.
Spencer Schumacher, chair of the Bicycle Advisory Council, said the bikes were likely removed by maintenance and construction crews who were unaware of why the bikes were there.
The vibrant pathways are more than just a splash of color.
It’s a transformative project stretching from Austin to San Antonio. But it won’t be powered by gasoline or run on rails, and for visitors to traverse it, their feet will do most of the work.
The ride isn't smooth for everyone. Fear of injury or death holds back many potential cyclists.
With more than $300 million in voter-approved bonds for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, the city is asking for public feedback on plans that will guide how to spend the money.
Robots semi autónomos han comenzado a entregar pizzas a domicilio en Austin. Es parte de una ola tecnológica que busca transformar cómo llegan los productos a los consumidores.
Some cyclists are not happy about the robots using bike lanes, while others are optimistic that sharing their path will lead to good things down the road.
Semi-autonomous food delivery robots have begun operating in Central Austin, part of an emerging technological wave that aims to transform how products reach consumers.
The City of Austin and Capital Metro have partnered to revamp the Austin BCycle bike-share program. It’s now called MetroBike, a sign of integration into…