From Texas Standard.It probably isn’t a surprise that your cell phone company knows a lot about you, including where you are right now and where you were…
From Texas Standard:Sunday, the third and fourth largest mobile carriers in the U.S. announced a $26.5 billion plan to merge. A marriage of Sprint and…
From Texas Standard:The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday in a case that some say has the potential to be the most important privacy case…
From Texas Standard:In the wake of storms on the Gulf Coast, in Florida, and now in Puerto Rico, many mobile phone users lost the ability to communicate…
This Sunday, the city of Austin will start ticketing drivers and cyclists who are texting or talking on their mobile phones without a hands-free…
Holding a phone while rolling on Austin streets is about to become against the law, but not just for Austinites driving cars and trucks.The Austin City…
The Round Rock Independent School District is backing away from an agreement with cell phone provider AT&T after parents and community members raised…
Seeking to regulate the use of cell phone records in investigations by law enforcement, Texas lawmakers are considering a bill that would force police and…
A copyright ruling from the Library of Congress covers whether people may buy a phone from one carrier and then use it with another. A recent change makes it illegal to unlock a phone, or untie it from the original carrier, without permission. But some people are petitioning the White House to undo that change.
Some Texas prisons will soon be equipped with technology that blocks most cell phone calls.Inmates are not supposed to have cell phones. But officials at…