The three-pronged crossing with a plaza the middle will bridge the Butler Trail's biggest gap.
The three-pronged pedestrian bridge — the first of its kind in Austin — will finally complete the 10-mile Ann and Roy Butler Hike and Bike Trail around Lady Bird Lake.
The City Council approved moving forward with replacing the bridge, built in 1926, but the city still needs $37 million to pay for construction.
AISD is getting nearly $15 million for the project. It'sone of 24 school systems nationwide to receive a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. Federal officials said they received more than 1,000 applications for the funding.
The $72.1 million plan is part of a sweeping effort to speed up traffic along the scenic highway, but some cyclists aren't happy with the plan.
The transit agency recruited more than 150 bus drivers this year but is still struggling with buying enough bus parts and hiring enough mechanics.
An internal memo advises TxDOT's district engineers to pay more, substitute materials or delay projects when necessary.
The state’s trade relationship with its southern neighbor remains strong despite the global pandemic. There is also hope new money for ports included in the bipartisan federal infrastructure bill will add to that growth.
The measure was delayed by an all-night speech from GOP leader Kevin McCarthy. Centrist Democrats in the Senate have raised objections to some provisions that will likely alter the House-passed bill.
The bill would bring an estimated $30 billion or more of infrastructure spending into the state. That includes money for federal highway programs, public transit and the state’s electric vehicle charging network.