Ahead of a final vote on the bond proposal, several trustees who represent historically underserved schools raised concerns the district wants to reallocate tens of millions of dollars for projects at schools with majority-white student populations.
It was the Jaguars' first loss of the season. And even though it wasn’t the result they wanted, the team made history.
Last football season, the marching band had almost 200 members. When LASA left, just a handful remained. The band has been working to rebuild.
La escuela del Este de Austin comenzó el año académico con 14 posiciones abiertas, incluyendo el cargo de director. También está pasando por remodelaciones de la salida de LASA. Los estudiantes y el personal describen la situación como "caótica."
The East Austin school started the year with 14 open positions, including principal. It's also dealing with renovations and the departure of LASA. Students and staff describe the situation as "chaotic."
Students at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy and LBJ High School have developed a set of short-term solutions to increase collaboration and improve…
LASA was supposed to be a way to undo a history of historic inequity. But it's grown too big for the campus.