If previous years are any indication, don’t expect big surprises during Austin schools Superintendent Meria Carstarphen’s State of the District address tomorrow. She is likely to talk about AISD’s efforts to improve academic performance at struggling schools and how those endeavors align with the district’s desire to better manage its 12 million square feet of facilities.
This will also be Carstarphen’s first State of the District address since Texas lawmakers slashed $4 billion in public education funding as part of their effort to balance the state’s budget without raising taxes. The cuts obliterated $35 million in state funding for AISD this year, resulting in hundreds of layoffs.
State cuts are expected to slice $20 million from AISD's budget next school year. Meanwhile, student enrollment is forecast to grow by almost 1,000 in 2012-13.
Carstarphen delivered last year’s State of the District address from the University of Texas Alumni Center. This year, she’s scheduled to speak at a new performing arts center that opened in September at McCallum High School in North Austin.
You’ll be able to stream the State of the District address from AISD’s website starting at 10 a.m. tomorrow. For a taste of what to expect, check out AISD’s last two annual reports.