Austin Energy is getting some of its power again from the South Texas Project. STP is a nuclear power source in the Bay City area where one of four reactors was offline for the past few months because of a fire outside the unit.
On Tuesday it started operating again.
Austin Energy is a partial owner of STP, which produces energy traded on the Texas market.
And Austin Energy’s Ed Clark says the time of year when it was offline and the fact it’s back before of summer is timing that’s about as good as it could be.
“The South Texas Project is one of the most reliable, and frankly, valuable resources in the Austin Energy generation portfolio," Clark said. "So if it’s going to be out, this time frame in which that occurred is probably the best we could ask for.”
Austin Energy gets its power from a variety of sources, both renewable and otherwise, including wind and solar, and Clark points out that as it is now, it’s necessary to have that variety of sources, both renewable and otherwise, so that power can be produced on demand.