Laura Morales
ReporterLaura Morales is a part-time general assignment reporter. She has reported in Texas for five years with several publications including the Texas Observer, the Austin American-Statesman and the San Antonio Report.
Austin Water and Austin Energy tienen cientos de kits que los residentes pueden recoger en los centros de atención al cliente en el norte, este y oeste de Austin.
Austin Water and Austin Energy have hundreds of kits that residents can pick up at customer service centers in North, East and South Austin.
A number of bills filed ahead of the legislative session impact all aspects of transgender people’s lives — from the doctor's office to the classroom to the athletic field.
Williamson County had a number of seats on the ballot, including the race for county judge.
El alcalde electo en este ciclo va a servir un término de dos años, en lugar de cuatro años. Una medida electoral aprobada en Mayo del 2021 hizo que la contienda por la alcaldía de Austin se alineara con las elecciones presidenciales en un esfuerzo por aumentar la participación de los votantes.
The mayor elected in this cycle will serve a two-year term, as opposed to four years. A ballot measure passed in May 2021 moved Austin's mayoral race to align with presidential elections in an effort to increase voter turnout.
The vaccine is no longer limited to those who were exposed to the virus or diagnosed with the disease.
El Condado de Travis presento un foro en Español de expertos en la prevención de suicidio y cuidado de la salud mental en las comunidades Latinas.
Austin drivers might find themselves pulling up next to tech-laden cars maneuvering by themselves more often as the city becomes a center for this kind of vehicle.
Travis County hosted a Spanish expert forum on suicide prevention and mental health care in Latino communities.