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State and National Leaders' Statements on Fort Hood Shooting

President Barack Obama:

"We’re heartbroken that something like this might have happened again. And I don’t want to comment on the facts until I know exactly what has happened, but for now, I would just hope that everybody across the country is keeping the families and the community at Fort Hood in our thoughts and in our prayers."

Gov. Rick Perry:

"Today, Fort Hood was once again stricken by tragedy. As Texans, our first priority must be caring for the victims and their families. Ft. Hood has proven its resilience before, and will again. Texas will support those efforts in any way we can, with any resources necessary. The thoughts and prayers of all Texans are with everyone affected by this tragedy."

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn:  

"Tonight, Texans’ hearts are once again very heavy. The scenes coming from Ft. Hood today are sadly too familiar and still too fresh in our memories.  No community should have to go through this horrific violence once, let alone twice. I ask that all Americans join Sandy and me in praying for the victims, their families and the entire Ft. Hood community."

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz:

"My prayers are with all in the Fort Hood community who have been impacted by today’s shooting, including first responders who have been actively working to move people out of harm’s way and secure the area."

U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel:

"There is nothing more important to us as an institution than the safety and well being of our people, and for that reason I am grateful to all the first responders who rushed to the scene. We will closely monitor the situation at Fort Hood and stay informed by what investigators and law enforcement personnel learn about the shooting."

Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Greg Abbott, via Twitter:

"Thoughts and prayers go out to all at Fort Hood and their families."

Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Wendy Davis:

"Texans are united in deep sorrow at this terrible tragedy. Our prayers are with the families and all those who serve at Fort Hood."

State Sen. Troy Fraser (whose district includes Fort Hood):

"Tonight, I join countless others in grieving following the senseless violence at Fort Hood. My thoughts and prayers are with all the brave men and women in uniform who serve us at Fort Hood and with their families and loved ones. Perhaps my greatest honor as a legislator is representing the tight-knit community of Fort Hood. While we await more information surrounding this tragedy, I ask that you pray for peace and healing."

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