Austin Police Department sent us this statement from Chief Art Acevedo about the arrest of an APD SWAT officer last week on DWI charges:
The Austin Police Department is currently investigating the crash and subsequent arrest for DWI of APD SWAT officer Michael Hamilton on Friday, December 3, 2010. The Department’s zero tolerance stance on DWI is well known throughout the APD and the community we serve. Consistent with our stance, we are investigating Officer Hamilton’s actions leading up to and following the crash. We will take appropriate administrative and criminal action at the conclusion of the investigation. Further comment at this time would be inappropriate.
This story surfaced on Friday after Hamilton allegedly rolled over a vehicle in the 4700 block of Convict Hill Road. KXAN reported that Hamilton is an eight year veteran of the force.
Hamilton has been an Austin Police Department officer since 2002 and is a member of the Specials Weapons and Tactics Team. He was driving a take-home city vehicle when the crash occurred, according to APD.
Update at 2:27 pm: KXAN is reporting that Hamilton was suspended in September for crashing his police cruiser into a fence post, and the station posted this memo detailing the one-day suspension.
Earlier: Meanwhile, KVUE did some more reporting last night, and couldn't get city leaders to say much about Hamilton's case. However, the ABC affiliate does explain how the investigation will proceed in this video.
It's worth noting that APD tried and failed to have Officer Leonardo Quintana fired for DWI. Ultimately, however, Quintana was fired a second time.