After recent car break-ins, the City of Austin is looking to improve security at parks and greenbelts.
Each year, thousands of break-ins are reported in Austin. In 2024 alone, more than 8,200 cars were broken into, according to crime data from the Austin Police Department.
Cpl. Jose Mendez, a spokesperson with APD, said car break-ins are a crime of opportunity and tend to happen in areas where cars are grouped together and with potentially valuable belongings.
Visible items like charging cords, GPS holders or even loose change might entice someone to break into a vehicle.
“You just have to realize that your vehicle is always going to be a target to some of these people,” he said. “It's never really truly safe unless you take certain steps to make your vehicle and belongings safe.”
He said that includes locking your car doors, even in your own driveway, taking just what you need for your trip, hiding valuables before you get to your destination, and parking in areas that are well-lit and have high foot traffic.
Reports of car break-ins in public spaces are not new. The city put several mechanisms in place last year to increase security after concerns were raised.
City officials said they're now taking extra steps to address the issue.
“Austin parks are the crown jewels of the city and it’s important that everyone who visits them feels safe and secure,” a city spokesperson said in an email. “This is a priority for the City Manager and, at his direction, leadership from the Austin Police Department and the Parks and Recreation Department have been meeting to create short- and long-term plans to address security and other safety concerns.”
Several changes are already underway, including increased police patrols, stationing police vehicles in parking lots, adding more signs, and adding more security cameras in high-target areas.

The Parks and Recreation Department is also partnering with the Austin Parks Foundation to complete a security audit that will review parks and park facilities and make recommendations to improve safety and security.
“We understand this is an issue of high importance to Austinites and those that visit our city and are committed to do everything we can to ensure a visit to a City of Austin park is memorable for all the right reasons,” a city official said.
That audit is set to be completed later this year.