You might have noticed it's been a while since you've heard from ATXplained, KUT's series where we answer your questions about Austin's people, places and culture. You might have also noticed that there's been a lot of news in the past two years or so.
We're ready to come back with more great ATXplained stories (read to the bottom for a special announcement). But we need your help.
We can't make ATXplained happen without your questions. And while we have several great stories in the works based on questions we've gotten in the past, we need more.
So what have you always wondered about Austin?
Ask your question here.
Just to get you thinking, here are some of the kinds of questions that make for great stories:
What's the real story behind Dan's and Fran's Hamburgers?
Questions about local institutions make for great answers. They give a window in the history of Austin — especially when they're based on legends that have been passed around, but never really verified.
Why are there no billboards along MoPac?
Think about the things you see every day — maybe on your commute. Is there something that catches your attention or just makes you wonder why it is the way it is? Ask us about it!

What's the best way to get into the chilly waters of Barton Springs?
How-to's make for great stories, too. Maybe the "real" answer is unknowable, but exploring the ways different people do something that lots of people do can reveal new insights about how things work!

What's the story behind Herman the singing plumber?
Is there someone you've come across in your life in Austin that you just want to know more about? Maybe it's someone who makes your neighborhood a more interesting place to live or someone with a great story that you think more people should know.

What do inchworms have in common with Bruce Willis in 'Die Hard'?
Stories about the natural world help us to better understand our environment. These questions often yield surprising answers and, honestly, are just fun to investigate.

Dan is moving to Austin. Here are 27 books you suggested for him and other newcomers.
You can always ask for recommendations! We'll crowdsource the best ideas for how to experience the culture of Austin.

Did you make it this far? There's one more thing I want to tell you about. We're planning the next ATXplained Live — a night of your questions, answered live on stage. If you came to our last show in January 2020, you know how cool it is to see these stories come to life in person. We want to bring that feeling back this fall.
So ask us a question you want to see turned into a live storytelling experience. Here are the radio versions of a few stories we did for our last show — but to get the true experience, you've got to be there in person. If your question is picked, you'll get a free pair of tickets to the show this September.