The emergency district wants to build more stations and buy more ambulances. A proposition on the May ballot is the first step toward increasing the property tax rate to help pay for it.
Half of Austin's 911 operator positions are vacant, which has led to a lag in response times. Many frustrated callers are just hanging up.
After February’s storm, some people are buying items they didn’t think they’d need before, like proper winter clothes or even backup generators, if they can afford them.
El jefe interino de la policía de Austin le está pidiendo a la comunidad que reporte incidentes que no sean emergencias marcando al 311. También pueden solicitar que un oficial dé seguimiento a un reporte usando el sitio ireportaustin.com.
Austin's interim chief is asking people to report non-emergencies to 311 or ireportaustin.com for a police follow-up.
From Texas Standard.Mayors and city councils along the Gulf Coast didn’t have a lot of time to make decisions during Hurricane Harvey. The situation on…
“Austin is growing.” By now this maxim has become the resounding, if not infuriating, anthem of the city. It affects various sectors of life in Austin,…