After experimenting for weeks with letting people off between stops and allowing open strollers on buses, Capital Metro is making the pilot projects permanent.
Both policies come with a set of restrictions.
Riders can ask a driver to let them off between stops after 9 p.m. The driver will pull over for a so-called "courtesy stop" only if the weather is not severe and there's a safe, well-lit space to stop. The speed limit has to be under 50 miles an hour.
Before the pilot project launched in April, only people with mobility impairments could be let off between bus stops.
Adults can keep a child in a stroller only if a wheelchair spot is available. If someone boards in a wheelchair and needs the space, the parent must remove the child from the stroller and fold it up.
Bus drivers are not supposed to help with strollers, but they can lower the ramp for people to board more easily.
"We're a little bit ahead of the curve ... in trying this," CapMetro's operations chief Andy Skabowski told KUT. "We tried it, and it was very well received."
Both policies are in effect now, but Capital Metro won't start promoting them for a couple months. The agency wants to make sure all bus drivers and trainees understand the rules first.